I. Great Responsibility
II. Sanctify Yourself
A. The Lord Sanctified Himself
B. You Should Sanctify Yourself
C. Live According to a High Standard
D. Develop a Sense of Stewardship over Your Children
III. Walk with God
A. Be Holy in Your Life
B. Enoch Walked with God After His Son Was Born
C. Do Not Have A Double Standard
IV. Parents Must Be of One Mind
V. Respect the Child's Rights
A. Parental Authority Is Not Unlimited
B. Do Not Vent Your Frustrations Upon Your Children
C. Do Not Become a Cross To Your Children
VI. Do Not Provoke Your Children to Wrath
A. Use Authority with Restraint
B. Show Appreciation to the Children
VII. Speak Accurately
A. Do Not Make Empty Promises
B. Enforce Your Orders
C. Correct Your Inaccuracies
VIII. Nurture Your Children in the Chastening and Admonition of the Lord
A. Channel Children's Ambition
B. Do Not Encourage Children's Pride
C. Teach Children to Accept Defeat and to Learn
D. Teach Children How to Choose
E. Teach Children How to Take Care of Things
IX. Lead Your Children to the Lord
A. Have Family Worship on the Children's Level
B. Encourage and Attract the Children
C. Hold Family Worship Twice Daily
D. Lead the Children to Repentance
X. Encourage a Loving Family Atmosphere
XI. Discipline Your Children Wisely
A. Be Afraid of Disciplining Unwisely
B. Use the Rod When Necessary
C. Chasten Justly
D. Show the Children Their Fault
E. Consider a Beating as a Big Thing
XII. Great Children Come from Great Parents
The above is an outline constructed from the chapter entitled "Parenthood", in Do All To The Glory of God by Watchman Nee. This chapter is probably one of the best chapters written on being a parent, therefore we recommended it’s reading. See also see the chapter ''Parents'' in V49 of the Collected Works of Watchman Nee.