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Douglas Wilson (theologian)

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Douglas James Wilson (born 18 June 1953) is a conservative Reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker. He is currently featured in the documentary film Collision documenting his debates with anti-theist Christopher Hitchens on their promotional tour for the book "Is Christianity Good for the World?".



[edit] Biography

Wilson earned a B.A. in classical studies and a B.A. and an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Idaho. In addition to his role as pastor of Christ Church, he is a founder and Senior Fellow in Theology at New Saint Andrews College, founder and editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine, and founder of Greyfriars Hall, a three-year ministerial training program. He also serves on the governing boards of New Saint Andrews, Logos School (a Christian private school), and the Association of Classical and Christian Schools. Wilson was instrumental in forming the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches. He is married to Nancy Wilson and has three children, including N. D. Wilson, and 14 grandchildren.

[edit] Works

Promotional for the film Collision featuring prominent atheist Christopher Hitchens debating Douglas Wilson during a book tour for their book "Is Christianity Good for the World?".

Wilson is the publisher of and a contributor to the Reformed cultural and theological journal Credenda/Agenda, and is a former contributor to Tabletalk, the magazine published by R. C. Sproul's Ligonier Ministries. He has published a number of books on culture and theology, several children's books, and a collection of poetry.

[edit] On education

Wilson has been a prominent advocate for classical Christian education, and he laid out his vision for education in several books and pamphlets, especially in Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning (1991, ISBN 0-89107-583-6). In those writings, he argues that the American public schools are failing to educate their students, and he proposes a Christian approach to education based on the Trivium, a Greco-Roman approach to education which emphasizes grammar, rhetoric, and logic and advocates a wide exposure to the liberal arts, including classical Western languages such as Latin and Greek. The model has been adopted by a number of Christian private schools and homeschoolers.

[edit] On family

Wilson and his wife have also written a number of books on family issues based on their understanding of the Bible, including Reforming Marriage (ISBN 1-885767-45-5), Federal Husband (ISBN 1-885767-51-X), Her Hand in Marriage (on biblical courtship; ISBN 1-885767-26-9), Standing on the Promises: A Handbook of Biblical Childrearing (ISBN 1-885767-25-0), and Future Men (ISBN 1-885767-83-8). These works are written from a strong traditionalist point of view, promoting classic gender roles and opposing feminism.

[edit] On theology

Wilson has written on theological subjects in books such as Mother Kirk: Essays and Forays in Practical Ecclesiology (ISBN 1-885767-72-2), To a Thousand Generations (ISBN 1-885767-24-2) on infant baptism, and "Reformed" Is Not Enough: Recovering the Objectivity of the Covenant (ISBN 1-59128-005-2). He has also been a noted advocate for Van Tillian presuppositional apologetics and postmillennialism. Letter from a Christian Citizen (ISBN 0915815664) is Wilson's response to atheist Sam Harris's Letter to a Christian Nation. In May 2007, Wilson debated another noted atheist, Christopher Hitchens, in a six-part series published by Christianity Today.[1] In October of the following year, they debated in person in three separate venues on three consecutive days.[2]

[edit] Federal Vision

Wilson's views on covenant theology as espoused in "Reformed" Is Not Enough and in his contribution to The Federal Vision (ISBN 978-0-9753914-0-2) have caused some controversy as part of the Federal Vision theology, partly because of its similarity to the New Perspective on Paul, which Wilson does not fully endorse, though he has praised some tenets that are in line with his theology.[3] The RPCUS denomination, consisting of twelve congregations in the United States, declared his views on the subject to be heretical,[4] and although "Reformed" Is Not Enough was already in process when the RPCUS's resolution was published, Wilson sought to address some of their charges in that book.[5]

[edit] Quotations

  • The Christian faith is good for the world because it provides the fixed standard which atheism cannot provide and because it provides forgiveness for sins, which atheism cannot provide either. We need the direction of the standard because we are confused sinners. We need the forgiveness because we are guilty sinners. Atheism not only keeps the guilt, but it also keeps the confusion.[1]

[edit] Conservative social views

[edit] Southern slavery

Wilson's most controversial work is probably his pamphlet Southern Slavery, As It Was (ISBN 1-885767-17-X), which he wrote along with League of the South co-founder Steve Wilkins. Historians such as Peter H. Wood, Clayborne Carson, and Bancroft Prize winner Ira Berlin condemned the pamphlet's arguments, with Wood calling them as spurious as holocaust denial.[6]

Wilson held a February 2004 conference for those who supported his ideas, such as pastor George Grant, in the University of Idaho. The University published a disclaimer distancing itself from the event, and numerous anti-conference protests took place. Wilson described critical attacks as 'abolitionist propaganda'.[6] He also has repeatedly denied any racist leanings. He has said that he intended to defend the once traditional biblical approval of slavery since, in his view, disregarding that tradition will lead to disregarding biblical sanction against homosexuality as well.[7] Wilson has described his own views as 'paleo-Confederate'. He has said, "I would say we're fighting in a long war, and that [the Civil War] was one battle that we lost."[7]

Canon Press ceased publication of Southern Slavery, As It Was when it became aware of serious citation errors in several passages authored by Wilkins.[8] Robert McKenzie, the history professor who first noticed the citation problems, described the authors as being "sloppy" rather than "malevolent."[9] Wilson reworked and redacted the arguments in the tract, and published (without Wilkins) a new set of essays under the name Black & Tan (ISBN 1-59128-032-X) after consulting with historian Eugene Genovese.[10]

[edit] Christian reconstructionism

In an article in Christianity Today, Molly Worthen placed Wilson in the vein of Christian reconstructionists. Although Wilson disputed this categorization, he stated in an interview that he would support the forced exile of lesbian, gay and transgender people and the execution of adulterers. He also said, "I'm not proposing legislation. All I'm doing is refusing to apologize for certain parts of the Bible." [7]

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Author

[edit] Co-author

[edit] Editor and contributor

[edit] Contributor

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b "Is Christianity Good for the World?". Christianity Today. 8 May 2007. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 
  2. ^ "On the Road with Atheism -- Christopher Hitchens squares off with Douglas Wilson.". Christianity Today. 31 October 2008. Retrieved 30 August 2009. 
  3. ^ Wilson, Douglas. "A Pauline Take on the New Perspective" ([dead link]). Credenda/Agenda 15 (5). 
  4. ^ "A Call to Repentance". Covenant Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States. 22 June 2002. Archived from the original on 28 September 2007. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 
  5. ^ Wilson, Douglas (2002). "Forward". Reformed Is Not Enough: Recovering the Objectivity of the Covenant. Moscow, Idaho: Canon Press. pp. 7–9. ISBN 1-59128-005-2. 
  6. ^ a b "The Late Unpleasantness in Idaho: Southern Slavery and the Culture Wars". By William L. Ramsey. History News Network. Published December 20, 2004. Accessed June 16, 2009.
  7. ^ a b c The Controversialist. By Molly Worthen. Christianity Today. April 2009, Vol. 53, No. 4. Accessed June 16, 2009.
  8. ^ Plagiarizing Slavery... By Ralph E. Luker. CLIOPATRIA: A Group Blog. Published May 2, 2005.
  9. ^ Neo-Confederates: Plagiarism as it is. SPLC Intelligence Report. Fall 2004. Accessed June 16, 2009.
  10. ^ Horowitz, Genovese, and the Varieties of Culture War: Comments on the Continuing Unpleasantness in Idaho. By William L. Ramsey. History News Network. Published March 27, 2006. Accessed June 16, 2009.

[edit] External links